Writers on the River 2024 – Call for Authors
The Monroe County Library System is seeking authors to participate in its annual Writers on the River event.
On the first Sunday of November, the Ellis Library & Reference Center hosts Writers on the River, a celebration of writers, readers, and books. This unique event, held in the Ellis riverside expansion, gives attendees the opportunity to speak to local and regional authors and purchase personalized copies of their works.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Writers on the River?
- Writers on the River is an event to showcase a diverse group of authors from all across Michigan and Northwest Ohio. All of the authors offer books on a wide variety of genres and subjects for a variety of ages.
When and where is Writers on the River?
- Writers on the River will take place on Sunday, November 3, 2024 at the Ellis Library & Reference Center, located at 3700 S. Custer Rd. Monroe, MI 48161.
Who can Participate?
- Any author can participate that has published a book of any genre within the last 2 years. Self-published authors are also able to sign up.
What is the cutoff Date for Author Sign-Ups?
- The cutoff date for authors to sign up is Sunday, September 29, 2024.
How can I sign up?
- Please fill out our interest form, email Jaclyn Curcillo at jaclyn.curcillo@monroe.lib.mi.us, or call (734) 241-5277.
- Please be advised that all authors are responsible for their own sales.
Who can I contact about the event?
- If you have further questions please contact Jaclyn Curcillo at jaclyn.curcillo@monroe.lib.mi.us or call the Ellis Library & Reference Center at (734) 241-5277