MCLS Bookmobile
Keep On Reading, Reaching, & Imagining
In honor of Korri and her family, the bookmobile will be named K.O.R.R.I, encouraging children and patrons everywhere to Keep On Reading, Reaching, & Imagining.
The bookmobile has the capacity to bring 1,800 books to the most vulnerable populations in the community. There are approximately 150,000 people living in Monroe County and more than 30,000 of those residents are children. Transportation issues will no longer limit a family’s access to Library resources.
Onboard technology will allow patrons to utilize the Library’s extensive digital resources. Options include downloadable content, access to databases and reliable research, and training opportunities.
The bookmobile will also expand the Library’s outreach capabilities. The vehicle will be available for special literacy programs at schools and daycare centers. It will also participate in a wide variety of community events that will increase awareness of Library services throughout Monroe County.
History of the Bookmobile
The first bookmobile began serving Monroe County in 1949. For decades children eagerly awaited their visits to this mobile library, until budgetary constraints ended the service in 1998.
In May 2018, a generous $100,000 bequest was made to the Monroe County Library System in memory of former Library employee Korri Lake. This donation from Korri Lake’s family became the launching point for a new MCLS bookmobile. The goal of the bookmobile is to increase library access to the community while promoting literacy and a life-long love of reading. While the bookmobile will serve the entire community, considerable focus will be placed on children and early literacy.

The goal of raising a total of $200,000 for the bookmobile was met in less than 11 months thanks to widespread support from the community. More than 100 individuals and organizations made donations to the bookmobile. The funds were used to the purchase of the vehicle ($165,000), fill the shelves with books in a variety of formats ($30,000), and provide technology ($5,000). The Library is committed to absorb all the additional costs associated with staffing and maintaining the bookmobile.
Thanks to this overwhelming support of the community, the Bookmobile was purchased and premiered in its first public event on April 10, 2019 and the Ellis Library & Reference Center.
If you are interested in contributing to this project, please contact Barbra Krueger, Marketing & Community Outreach, at the Mary K. Daume Service Center at (734) 241-5770.
Community Partners
Our thanks go to community partners who have made significant donations to making the Bookmobile a reality. The Library greatly appreciates their support and commitment to enriching Monroe County!
Foundation Partners at $20,000 or More
- The La-Z-Boy Foundation became the Library’s first major contributor with a generous donation of $25,000
- Community Foundation of Monroe County – $25,000
- Promedica Monroe Regional Hospital – $20,000
Best Seller – $2,000 Donation
- Dr. John and Sheri Kalenkiewicz
- Helen Patrisso
- Friends of the Bedford Library
- Friends of the Monroe County Library System
Page Turner – $1,000 Donation
- Geek Guidance
- Great Lakes Vision Care & Pinnacle Eye Group
- Friends of the Maybee Library
- Edward Jones
- Michigan Association of Retired School Personnel
Bookmark – $500 Donation
- Friends of the Summerfield-Petersburg Branch Library
- Friends of the Dundee Branch Library
- Friends of the Ida Branch Library
- Cross Heating and Cooling, Inc.
- Williams Insurance Agency
- The Bellaire Family
- Inverness Community
- Sewer and Water Specialist
- Friends of the South Rockwood Library
- Friends of the Frenchtown Libraries
- Monroe Bank & Trust
- Altrusa International Foundation of Monroe
- Lisa Haver Wains Insurance Agency
- Judge Michael Brown
- Maria McMullin DDS
- Friendly Ford Inc.
- Friends of the Dorsch Memorial Branch Library

In Honored Memory of Korri Lake
Korri Lake (pictured below, left) was a generous, caring soul who loved children and reading. In honor of Korri and her family, the bookmobile is named K.O.R.R.I, encouraging children and patrons everywhere to Keep On Reading, Reaching, & Imagining.

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
Our thanks go to our many community partners and contributors who helped make the Bookmobile a reality.
Bookmobile Events
In the News
- Monroe News (July 22, 2019) – Scoops and Stories program features free ice cream and books by Caitlin Taylor
- Monroe News (June 20, 2019) – Juneteenth celebration introduced to Monroe by Vanessa Ray
- Monroe News (April 11, 2019) – Introducing Monroe County’s new bookmobile by Caitlin Taylor
- 13 ABC (April 10, 2019) – Bookmobile honors employee who died in accident by Tony Geftos
- Monroe News (April 8, 2019) – Monroe County’s bookmobile to be revealed Wednesday by Caitlin Taylor
- Monroe News (March 2019) – Monroe County bookmobile gets another major gift by Barbara Krolak
- Monroe News (January 2019) – Bookmobile gets boost from La-Z-boy fund by Barbara Krolak
- Monroe News (November 2018) – Bookmobile named in honor of Korri Lake closer to reality by Caitlin Taylor
- Monroe News (May 2018) – Library system receives $100,000 donation by Dean Cousino