
Library in Motion
The Monroe County Library System is now traveling from one end of Monroe County to the other delivering materials to senior centers and housing complexes.
Senior Services
Large and regular print book deposits as well as talking books are provided to residents of Senior Housing, Senior Activity Centers and nursing homes throughout the county.
Large Print Books
These are ideal for those who find regular size print difficult to read. Books on a variety of subjects as well as leisure reading are available in large print.
Homebound Delivery
If you are unable to come to the library because of special circumstances we will deliver library materials to you. For more information or to set up a delivery please contact 734-241-5770.
Computer Classes
Senior Moments in Computing is a six week course designed for Senior Citizens (age 55 and up) with a limited knowledge of computers. Participants will learn basic skills such as turning the computer on and off, computer vocabulary and how to use a mouse. Throughout the course of the class, they will advance to creating a Word document, connecting to the Internet and learning the basics of email.
Books, Books on Tape and on CD, & Downloadable Audiobooks
These provide information, music, motivational materials, novels and foreign language instruction in traditional and contemporary formats.
Interlibrary Loan
We use this process to borrow materials for you that we don’t own using MeLCat (Michigan eLibrary). Still can’t find it on MeLCat? Fill out our request form.
Telephone services for the deaf allow easy communication with all branches. CCTVs, available at the Bedford Branch, Dorsch Memorial Branch and the Ellis Reference and Information Center, provide help for the visually impaired.
Friends of the Library
Our Friends groups provide an opportunity to get involved in local branch activities. Friends sponsor book sales, programming and events designed to support and enhance library service to the community.
The Monroe County Library System’s genealogy materials lighten the load of research and include census records from counties in Michigan as well as Ohio.