Take advantage of the lazy summer days with free downloads from OverDrive and the Woodlands Downloadable Library.
Kids and Teens

The OverDrive Summer Read program offers an easy way to keep students reading during break. Free eBooks will be available all summer long, including two featured titles: The Fat Boy Chronicles by Diane Lang & Michael Buchanan and Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue Sky by Sandra Dallas. The featured books will be prominently displayed and always available with no waiting at the Woodlands Downloadable Library for quick and easy access from June 9 – July 9, 2015.
Red Berries, White Clouds, Blue Sky by Sandra Dallas is Juvenile Historical Fiction novel set in 1942 at the outset of WWII, with a 12-year old, 2nd generation Japanese American main character.
The Fat Boy Chronicles by Diane Lang & Michael Buchanan is a Young Adult Fiction novel whose main character is a freshman in high school standing 5'5" and weighing 187 pounds. The book is inspired by a true story.

Join the Big Library Read! Millions of people from around the world will be simultaneously downloading and reading the same book, Eyes on You by Kate White. Don’t be afraid to check out this suspenseful thriller from the Woodlands Downloadable Library, available as an audiobook or eBook from midday Tuesday, June 9 through midnight Tuesday, June 23, 2015.
To Start Reading
Just grab your library card and visit the Woodlands Downloadable Library starting June 9, 2015!