The Lawrence A. Frost Collection of Custeriana is a multimedia collection that includes over 5000 books, videos, numerous images, journals, newspaper articles, sound recordings and artwork.  It focuses on the life of General George A. Custer. This includes his academic work at West Point, his heroic participation in the Civil War and his death at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.  Check out some of the new books that have been added to the collection.


An Aide to Custer: The Civil War Letters of Lt. Edward G. Granger edited by Sandy Barnard and compiled by Thomas Singelyn.  As an aide to Brigadier General George Custer, Lt. Edward Granger’s letters give a unique view of life within a Civil War Cavalry Brigade.  Custer scholar, Sandy Barnard’s introductions and notes to each letter, adds a rounded perspective of Granger, Custer and the Civil War.


Other new additions focusing on the American Civil War

The American Civil War on Film and TV: Blue and Gray in Black and White and Color edited by Douglas Brode, Shea Brode, and Cynthia Miller.  Whether on the big screen or small, films featuring the American Civil War are among the most classic and controversial in motion picture history. From D. W. Griffith’s Birth of a Nation (1915) to Free State of Jones (2016), the war has provided the setting, ideologies, and character archetypes for cinematic narratives of morality, race, gender, and nation, as well as serving as historical education for a century of Americans…The essays included here span a wide range of films, from the silent era to the present day, including Buster Keaton’s The General (1926), Red Badge of Courage (1951), Glory (1989), Gettysburg (1993), and Cold Mountain (2003), as well as television mini-series The Blue and The Gray (1982) and John Jakes’ acclaimed North and South trilogy (1985-86).Amazon.

Sharpshooting Rifles of the American Civil War: Colt, Sharps, Spencer and Whitworth by Martin Pegler.  Featuring specially commissioned artwork, this is the engrossing story of the innovative rifles that saw combat in the hands of sharpshooters on both sides during the Civil War. Amazon