The Lawrence A. Frost Collection of Custeriana is a multimedia collection that includes over 5000 books, videos, numerous images, journals, newspaper articles, sound recordings and art work.  It focuses on the life of General George A. Custer which includes his academic work at West Point, his heroic participation in the Civil War and his death at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.


The following books have been added to the Lawrence A. Frost Collection:

The Swing around the Circle: Andrew Johnson and the Train Ride that Destroyed a Presidency by Garry Boulard.  U.S. Grant, George Custer, and William Seward join President Andrew Johnson on his ill-fated swing around the circle campaign of 1866.

Finding Custer by Stephen T. Powers and Kevin Dennehy.  This is a compact guide book that takes the reader to major events throughout George Custer’s life.

Photographing Custer’s Battlefield: The Images of Kenneth F. Roahen by Sandy Barnard. Look into the depth of Little Bighorn battlefield images by photographer Kenneth F. Roahen.


Civil War

Canteens and Horseshoes: Relics of the Grand Army of the Republic by Douglas W. Roussin.  This book focuses on the more unusual items left behind as mementos from the Grand Army of the Republic.


Historical fiction

Higher Ground by McKendree Long.  Author McKendree Long, known for his historical accuracy, brings readers a third book in the Superstition Gun Trilogy.

President Custer by Rob McCaleb. Alternate time travel history at its best, Custer wins the Battle of the Little Big Horn, becomes president and saves the world!

Custer Must Die! A Story of His Assassination by Donald W. Moore.  Libbie Custer wants the truth behind her husband’s death…was it really Autie’s body that was buried at West Point and did he kill himself or was he killed.  She asks a lawyer from the Judge Advocate’s General’s office to investigate.