The Lawrence A. Frost Collection of Custeriana is a multimedia collection that includes over 5000 books, videos, numerous images, journals, newspaper articles, sound recordings and artwork.  It focuses on the life of General George A. Custer. This includes his academic work at West Point, his heroic participation in the Civil War and his death at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.  Check out some of the new books that have been added to the collection.

Custer at the Alamo by Gregory Urbach

Knowing his people face a bleak future on the reservations, Chief Sitting Bull prays to the Great Spirit for a different path. The Great Spirit’s answer is to send General George Custer and the Seventh Cavalry 40 years into the past, where they join Davy Crockett to defend the Alamo against Mexican forces under the command of General Antonio López de Santa Anna. Custer believes defending the Alamo may be his greatest moment of glory, but he soon learns that this war for Texas independence will prove far more complicated. — Amazon

Custer and Crocket after the Alamo by Gregory Urbach

Sent forty years into the past by a spell of Chief Sitting Bull, General George Custer and the 7th Cavalry join with Davy Crockett in a desperate struggle to defend the Alamo. Now it’s March, 1836. Having survived the battle, Custer and Crockett must decide how to win independence for Texas. Opposing them are the Mexican Army under Antonio López de Santa Anna, and the Brazos Convention, dedicated to imposing a slave constitution. Determined to prevent the American Civil War, the journey of Custer and Crockett will take them from the Gulf of Mexico to the gold fields of California, with the future of a continent hanging in the balance. — Amazon

The Custer Conspiracy by Dennis Koller

“A week after uncovering the secret of what really happened at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, history professor Matt Conroy was lying in a morgue with the back of his head blown off. SFPD homicide inspector Tom McGuire, a long-time friend of Conroy’s, volunteers to assist the FBI in bringing the killer to justice. The FBI, however, is ordered to stand down for “national security” reasons. They thought that would be the end of it. They were wrong. Tom McGuire was not about to stand down. Not for anyone, not for any reason. That decision put him in the crosshairs of one of the world’s most secretive and dangerous organizations – an organization whose rich and powerful members will stop at nothing to make sure their 140-year-old secret remains hidden. Drawn into a labyrinth of conspiracies over a century old, Tom McGuire has just walked into his worst nightmare.” — Amazon

Red, White and Blue: A Historical Novel by Sue Hillard

“Red White or Blue is a thoroughly researched historical fiction novel set in 1875 and 1876. The story is narrated from two culturally different teen perspectives: Ohanzee, a sixteen-year-old son of a Lakota chief, and Sara, a fifteen-year-old daughter of an army major. Ohanzee’s journey is one to regain honor. Sara’s journey is one of survival and discovery…”–Goodreads.

Trick of the Trade by Ralph Cotton

Jeston Nash knew horses – he had stolen enough of them in his time, but the lookalike cousin of Jesse James was going respectable, almost. Then, in a New Orleans teeming with drunks and blue uniforms, he sold a horse to a well-bred lady. It was the biggest mistake of his career. He hit Fort Lincoln with a belly full of wounds, minus a boot. His horse had been stolen, and he had stolen it back – along with some bootleg crackers. Overall, it had not been a pleasant trip through the dreaded Black Hills but at least Jeston Nash – for the time being calling himself Beatty – hadn’t drowned. Now he fully intended to fill a promise: to deliver an unridable horse called Honest Bob to a woman named Custer. The trouble was, the wife of General George Armstrong Custer, Elizabeth, was not very interested in the horse she’d persuaded Nash to deliver. In fact, Mrs. Custer was on the warpath. So were the Sioux – and General Custer’s commanders in Washington. Suddenly, Nash finds himself in the middle of the most dangerous kind of game: a marital squabble. Before he knows it, he’s riding alongside a hardheaded, buffalo-hunting, blond-haired general whose sure glory awaits them – at a place called Little Big Horn. — Amazon

Sorrow of the Earth by Eric Buillard

This astonishing work of historical re-imagining tells the story of the Native Americans swallowed up by Buffalo Bill’s great entertainment machine. Of chief Sitting Bull, paraded in theatres to boos and catcalls for fifty dollars a week. Of a baby Lakota girl, found under her mother’s frozen body, adopted and displayed on the stage. Of the last few survivors of Wounded Knee, hired to act out the horrific massacre of their tribe as entertainment. And of Buffalo Bill Cody himself, hamming it to the last, even as it consumed him.

Told with beauty, compassion and anger, Sorrow of the Earth shows us tragedy turned into a circus act, history into sham, truth into a spectacle more powerful than reality itself. Could any of us turn away? — Amazon