The Lawrence A. Frost Collection of Custeriana is a multimedia collection that includes over 5000 books, videos, numerous images, journals, newspaper articles, sound recordings and art work.  It focuses on the life of General George A. Custer which includes his academic work at West Point, his heroic participation in the Civil War and his death at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

The interest in the Battle of the Little Bighorn has never slackened.  The debate over what happened on that fateful day continues.  Here are a few new editions to our collection that hope to shed more light on the Battle.

The Fights on the Little Big Horn: Unveiling the Mysteries of Custer’s Last Stand by Gordon Harper

Author Gordon Harper spent many years seeking out primary sources that would reveal the truth behind the mystery of the Battle of the Little Bighorn.  His goal was to provide a completely unbiased documentary of primary sources so the reader has a clear image of what occurred.  Unfortunately he died before he could see his work in print.  Thankfully for students of the battle, his daughter worked with authors Gordon Richard and Monte Akers to complete his work and have it published.

Supplying Custer: The Powder River Supply Depot, 1876 by Gerald R. Clark

Archaeologist Gerald Clark offers clues into how the army was supplied in the West during the Indian Wars through a small archaeological dig at the Powder River Depot.

The Strategy of Defeat at the Little Big Horn: A Military Timing Analysis of the Battle by Frederic C. Wagner III

Author Frederick Wagner creates a time-motion study of the battle in attempt to pinpoint facts that can answer the many questions that have been left unanswered.