MeLCat, Michigan’s statewide resource sharing system, gives Monroe County residents the ability to borrow materials from hundreds of other participating libraries across the state. For technical reasons, MeLCat will be temporarily unavailable for new requests beginning on Wednesday, November 18, 2015, through Friday, December 11, 2015. During this time the MeLCat servers will undergo necessary upgrades and move to a new site.
Please make sure to place all of your requests by Tuesday, November 17, 2015.
Downtime FAQ
Requesting will be turned off at 12:01 am on Wednesday, November 18, 2015.
MeLCat requesting will be turned off on November 18, 2015 and it will be restored by December 11, 2015.
Yes, eligible renewals will be possible until Wednesday, December 2, 2015. After that date, the ability to renew will vary based on your home library’s setup.
Yes, some materials may still be due during this time. In some cases, due dates will be pushed to later in the month. Please consult your library account or call your local branch for due dates on specific items.
Yes, you can return materials to your library. They will not be able to check them in until MeLCat is back up again.
Most users will still be able to search individual MeL Databases. Searching across several databases at the same time will be possible until Wednesday, December 2, 2015.
After Wednesday, December 2, 2015 searching across several databases at the same time will not be possible.
When you use the individual database links on the MeL Databases page, you will be verified that you are in Michigan based on the IP address of your computer. If the IP isn't recognized as being in Michigan, you will NOT be able to login with your driver's license or an account at a MeLCat library to access the databases.
Direct access to the databases from within your school/library will not be affected.
The work will be completed by December 11, 2015.
For Additional Info
Visit the Michigan eLibrary FAQ page at http://elibrary.mel.org/screens/melmove.html