Teacher’s Card
The Monroe County Library System Board of Trustees has adopted a policy offering a teacher’s card option to teachers and day care providers. The goal is to provide a convenient way for teachers to get books and other library materials into their classrooms. It will also allow teachers to easily separate professional and personal library items.
Who Is Eligible?
Open to any teacher or daycare provider in Monroe County.
How to Apply
Stop by any library branch to complete an application, or download one and return it to a branch. The application form will ask for your name, address, telephone number, and city or township. You will need to provide a valid form of identification (driver’s license or state ID) and proof of employment (teacher ID or pay stub).
Applying for any library cards is free.
Teachers will also have access to online resources and Book Club Kits.
Online Access to Your Account
Access to the library’s catalog is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With our Online Catalog you can access your account, renew items, check due dates and place holds. If you provide an email address in your library account, you’ll receive courtesy notifications before items are due as well as notice of arrived holds and overdue notices via email.
Terms of Use
- Teachers will have access to all materials in the MCLS collection. Up to 100 items may be borrowed at one time.
- Items from the Michigan Electronic Library (MeL) may only be accessed on your personal library account.
- All physical items borrowed from the library will have a lending period of six weeks, to better accommodate school schedules.
- The teacher is responsible for returning all materials. Standard fines apply for late or lost items.
- Cards need to be renewed yearly. For renewal, please provide a valid form of identification and proof of employment.
Lost Or Damaged Items
If materials are damaged beyond repair or lost, a replacement charge will be assessed. The library mails one notice of overdue materials requesting their return. This may be followed by a billing notice if materials are still not returned. Since you are responsible for all items borrowed using your library card, we urge you to promptly report lost or stolen cards and we urge you not to lend your card to others to use.
If you have any additional questions, please notify your local library branch Youth Services staff.

Let us browse for you
If you miss browsing our shelves and aren’t sure what to read or watch next, try the Library’s Personalized Recommendation Service. Complete a recommendation form and a librarian will create a customized reading list for you. We will contact you as soon as possible with our recommendations.