Featured Events
Spring Coloring Contest
Spring Coloring ContestSpring Coloring Contest Celebrate spring with a coloring contest! During the month of May, download a coloring sheet, or pick one up from your local branch of the Monroe County Library System. Return completed coloring sheet to any branch of the Monroe County Library System between May 1, 2021 - May 31, 2021 Make sure your name, age, and phone number are on your completed coloring sheet Entries may be displayed in the library and/or online Contest is open to all ages The winner will receive a prize!
Seed Library
Seed LibrarySeed libraries are now available at participating branches. "Check out" seed packs to plant, then if possible, save your seeds after your harvest and donate them back to next year's collection. Participating Branches: Bedford Branch Library Maybee Branch Library South Rockwood Branch Library More About the Seed Library: Up to 3 seed packets may be “checked out” at a time Patrons are invited to use this program and are encouraged to save the seeds from the year’s harvest to donate back for future use The Seed Library is...
National Poetry Month Contest 2021
National Poetry Month Contest 2021The Monroe County Library System is celebrating National Poetry month with a poetry contest! Submit an original poem by turning it in at your local branch, or via email to jennifer.saul@monroe.lib.mi.us. Please make sure you have your name, age, and contact information on the page with the poem.Submissions Accepted April 1, 2021 - April 30, 2021Guidelines: Poems may be rhyming or non-rhyming Poems must be no longer than one typed page Include your name, phone number, age, and email on the entry...
Share a Rainbow
Share a RainbowMarch is Reading Month March is Reading Month, and to celebrate, we are using the book, Share Your Rainbow by R.J. Palacio, to share hope for the future with artwork. To participate, decorate the rainbow on this coloring sheet, or make a rainbow of your own in some other creative way. Submit your rainbows to the Ida Branch Library, or email stephanie.wintersteen@monroe.lib.mi.us
Lucky Leprechaun Contest
Lucky Leprechaun Contest Lucky Leprechaun Contest We are looking for our Leprechaun’s Pot of Gold! We need your help to find him. To enter, download the contest sheet, then draw and color the leprechaun's face. Return your completed sheet to the Vivian Branch Library between March 1, 2021 - March 13, 2021. If your picture helps us find our sneaky little friend, you might win his Pot of Gold!
All Ages Autumn Coloring Contest
Enter by Monday, November 30, 2020 Contest Rules One entry per person. You can only use the provided coloring sheet. Sheets are available to pick up at your nearest branch, or you can click here to download your coloring sheet. Return completed coloring sheet to any branch of the Monroe County Library System, or email them to jennifer.saul@monroe.lib.mi.us, between Monday, November 2, 2020 and Monday, November 30, 2020. Make sure your name, age, and phone number are on your completed coloring sheet. All entries must be original....
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