Digital Collections
Discover a dynamic assembly of special or historical items relating to Monroe County, Michigan, presented online for public enjoyment. The Monroe County Library System’s Digital Collections grant the viewer access to print, pictorial, and audio records which are considered rare or delicate. Digital collections enable the Library to share history with a wide audience while also preserving the original items from excess handling. Some of the digital collections have collection guides. These guides provide descriptions of the material and include information on where they are housed, background information, aquisition information, and any historical information. We provide online research and reference services and make the digital collection available for learning, teaching, and research.
MCLS Digital Collections
Digital versions of rare or delicate historical materials, such as photographs, documents, maps, sound recordings, books and more, powered by Biblioboard.
Community Pages
Resources from local community historians and contributors, powered by Biblioboard.
Reference Librarians Mary Vergowven and Regina Manning introduce Biblioboard.