Custer Collection

Custer Resources Available at MCLS
About the Collection
The George Armstrong Custer Collection of the Monroe County Library System is a multi-media resource center which specializes in the life and times of General George Armstrong Custer. The collection houses numerous books on the Civil War, Indians and the Custer story- but also maintains a wide variety of maps, photographs, video tapes, slides, sound recordings, paintings, and an extensive subject/vertical file.
Visiting and Research
- The collection is housed at the Ellis Library & Reference Center, 3700 South Custer, Monroe, Michigan, and is available for use by appointment only.
- Please call 734-241-5277 and ask for Reference
- Materials in the collection do not circulate. However, librarians from the Reference Department will be happy to assist individuals in gathering the necessary items from the collection. Photocopying is available for a nominal charge.
Explore Online
Images from the George A. Custer Collection
Discover images of General Custer, his family, and his life. Images from the George A. Custer Collection is a selection of materials contained within the Lawrence A. Frost Collection of Custeriana, made available online using Biblioboard. This collection includes carte de viste, daguerreotypes, and stereoscopic images.