Library in Motion
Senior Delivery Service
The Monroe County Library System is now traveling from one end of Monroe County to the other delivering materials to senior centers and housing complexes.
- Seniors will be able to checkout materials at any stop.
- All materials circulate for one month.
- Home delivery is also available.
- View the schedule – Whenever a delivery date falls on a holiday, if at all possible, delivery will be made on the next business day. In case of inclement weather, deliveries may be postponed or cancelled.
Available Materials
- Books in large print are ideal for those who find regular size print difficult to read. Fiction and Non-Fiction Books on a variety of subjects are available in large print.
- Described Videos – These feature films in VHS format are designed for people who are blind or have low vision. They assist in viewing the film with a narrative describing costumes, gestures, actions, scenes and scene changes. The narrative is woven into the pauses or the film’s soundtrack and sounds like part of the film.
- Talking Books – Books on tape & on CD provide information, music, motivational materials, novels and foreign language instruction in contemporary formats.
- DVD & VHS videos ranging from “how to’s” to the latest feature films, are available.
- Music CD’s will be available.
- Magazines for all interests will be available.
Senior patrons who would like to inquire or request books and movies please call 734-241-5770 for Library in Motion.