Get a Card
How to Get a FREE Library Card
An MCLS library card enables you to borrow at no charge materials ranging from books to videos to framed artwork from talented local artists and is easily obtained at any branch of the Monroe County Library System.
Who can get a card:
Cards are issued free of charge to all Monroe County residents, property owners, students attending schools within the County, and employees of Monroe County businesses.
How to get a card:
To get a card, visit your local branch Library and fill out a simple form. On the form you will be asked for your name, address, telephone number, and city or township. You can also sign up to receive our quarterly newsletter through the mail or by email.
Download a Library Card Registration Form
What you need to bring with you:
Identification is required, usually in the form of current picture ID. Additionally, property owners, students and employees of Monroe County businesses must show proof of, respectively, property ownership, current enrollment and current employment.
When do I get my card:
Once the completed form is signed and dated, an active card is issued on the spot. Good at all branches of the Monroe County Library System, cards are non-transferrable and must be presented to borrow materials.
Other types of library cards:
Cards are also available to non-residents at the annual rate of $100. Non-resident cards entitle the bearer to all card privileges.
Limited accounts are designed to be temporary accounts issued to patrons unable to offer the proof of identity and current residency required to receive a regular patron account and its associated borrowing privileges.
The library offers parents the option of requesting a children’s card which limits children under the age of 12 to borrowing materials only from the children’s collection.
If you have any questions about obtaining an MCLS library card, please contact the circulation at (734) 241-5277 or with this form.