Friends of the South Rockwood Branch Library
General Meetings
The annual meeting of the members shall be held on the second Wednesday of May at 6:00 pm.
Membership and Board will meet on the second Wednesday of February, August and November at 6:00 pm.
Membership Information
The Friends of the South Rockwood Library help promote a growing interest in and use of the library, stimulate and enrich the services of the library, sponsor programs for all ages, and acquaint the community with the needs of the library.
Bylaws can be found here.
Membership and Dues
The membership year of the Friends of the South Rockwood Library is June – May. Privileges of making motions, debating, voting, holding office or serving on any committee are reserved for members who meet the volunteer requirements of our organization. It is free to become a member. Sign up today!
Books Sales
There is a bookcase located near the back bookshelf of the library that supports the Friends of the South Rockwood Library. All book sales are by donation. All donations for coffee go to the Friends group. Thank you for your support!
Board of Directors
- Holly Chinavare
- Danyel Bucki
- Lynn Maniak
- Christina Rillston
- Holly Chinavare – President
Lynn Maniak – Secretary
- Danyel Bucki – Treasurer
Founding Members
These are friends in our community who donated at a significant level for Founding Membership for the Friends of the South Rockwood Library. We greatly appreciate their support and commitment to the South Rockwood Library and community!
- Ajax Paving Industries, Inc.
- Hennessey Engineers
- Recycled Aggregates, LLC
- In memory of Joseph C. & Henrietta A. Sterling
- Sylvania Minerals, LLC
- U.S. Silica Company
- Matheau & Janet VanWassehnova
- Village Place Apartments
- Denis & Karen Budds
- Chapp & Bushey Oil Co./Sunoco
- Compeau Brothers, Inc.
- Corrigan Oil Company
- Dani’s Transport Inc.
- Steve and Willene Harold
- Mid-American Group
- Monroe Bank & Trust
- Wampum Hardware Co.
- A & M Transmissions Inc.
- Arlington Brick & Supply
- John & Lori Beaudrie
- Evan M. Budds
- Allen & Debbie Burger
- Mr. & Mrs. Clive Forrest
- Neland & Dora Gaynier
- Floyd & Esther Gildersleeve
- The Guiliano Family
- Katie, Krystal & Grace Hammar
- Leon & Betty Hammar
- Timothy & Debra Hammar
- George and Gladys Laura
- Rob & Tree-C LeBlanc
- Patrick & JoAnna Lewis
- Patti & Steve Lewis
- McKenna Associates
- Mercure Insurance
- New Methods Roofing & Building, Inc.
- David & Peggy Pratt
- In memory of Ruth & Morley Riggs
- Roman Stone Works, Inc.
- Daniel & Kim Tilley
- Trotter Family
- Sandra White
We are a proud member of the Friends of Michigan Libraries