Friends of the Maybee Branch Library

The Friends of the Maybee Branch Library of the Monroe County Library System is a nonprofit group of citizens who work together to increase public awareness of the value of library; to help inform the community on issues of library legislation and millage; to sponsor programs designed to enrich our community; to let our community know about our library resources, facilities and needs; to help insure the best possible library service to our community.
Friends Of The Maybee Library Officers
- Candy Gorr – Chairman
- Connie Ammerman – Vice Chairman
- Catherine Acerboni – Secretary
- Jaime McDonald – Treasurer
Membership Information
Membership in the Friends of the Maybee Library is open to any resident.
Meetings are held quarterly with the May meeting designated as the annual meeting. Please contact the library for the next meeting date.
Community Booksale
Friends of the Library maintain a small ongoing book sale year round with a large sale during Maybee Day in June. Please check events calendar for date. Proceeds are used for supplies and library activities.