Friends of the Ida Branch Library

The Friends of the Ida Branch Library is a non-profit group of citizens who work together to stimulate a greater interest in and use the library; to acquaint the community with the functions, resources, facilities, and needs of the library; to promote and enrich the services of the library; to encourage gifts, donations, and memorials of individuals and organizations; to coordinate information to the community of issues of library legislation; to sponsor programs designed to add to the cultural life of the community and to ensure the existence of the Ida Branch of the Monroe County Library System for years to come.
Friends of the Ida Branch Library Book Sale and Ida Area Garage Sales
- Bring the entire family! Books for all ages and areas of interest. All proceeds will benefit the Ida Branch Library programs for toddlers through adults.
- Book Donations accepted throughout the year.
- The Ida Library Friends are supporting garage and yard sales throughout the community. Visit our book sale for a complete list and map of area sales.
- We are part of the Ida Community Day events taking place around the Ida Branch Library, Ida Township Park, Fire Hall.
- Yard sale list and maps will be available starting Thursday, May 13 from 10-4 at the library or Facebook.
Friends of the Ida Branch Library Officers
- President – Reggie Feldpausch
- Secretary – Daneen Cole
- Treasurer – Amy Kollar
The Friends of the Ida Branch Library meet quarterly at the Ida Branch Library. The meetings are open to everyone. All members are invited to attend and new members are always welcome. Please call the Ida Branch for additional information.
Upcoming Meetings 2025
- Monday, January 13 at 6:00 p.m.
- Monday, April 14 at 6:00 p.m.
- Monday, July 14 at 6:00 p.m.
- Monday, October 20 at 6:00 p.m.
Membership Information
Membership is free. Please stop by the Ida Branch Library to pick up a form or print one from the link below.