Friends of the Frenchtown Area Libraries

Frenchtown Library Advisory Board
The Frenchtown Library Advisory Board is appointed by Frenchtown Township to manage the three library buildings in the Township. These branches, Blue Bush, Frenchtown-Dixie, and Vivian, are owned and maintained by the Township. Staff, collection, and services are provided by the Monroe County Library System. The Board administers the Township’s budget for these buildings. It meets about six times a year and its meetings, which are held at the branches in rotation, are open to the public.
The Board consists of:
- Peggy Barton, Chairman
- Sharon Northrop, Township Board member
- Jack Linquist, Township Trustee
- Tim Varga, Alternate
The Friends of the Frenchtown Area Libraries
The Friends of the Frenchtown Area Libraries is a nonprofit group of citizens who work together to support libraries and to increase public awareness of the value of libraries. The Frenchtown area libraries include Frenchtown-Dixie, R.A. Vivian and Blue Bush Road. Meetings are open to the public, and all are welcome to join. Meetings are held twice a year, as are the semiannual book sales.
Community Book Sale
Lobby book sale, ongoing, with proceeds to The Friends of the Frenchtown Area Libraries.
Frenchtown Township Community Room
The community room, located at the Frenchtown-Dixie Branch Library, belongs to Frenchtown Township and may be booked by calling the Frenchtown-Dixie Branch Library at 289-1035. Because this room is connected to the Frenchtown-Dixie Library, it is used for library programs. The room is available to Frenchtown residents, for a small fee. The room, when available, can be used for $75.00, plus a refundable $50.00 security deposit. At this time there are approximately 35-40 chairs and five tables in the community room.