Friends of the Ellis Library and Reference Center

About the Friends of Ellis
The Friends of Ellis is a diverse and enthusiastic group of readers, viewers and listeners united in support for public libraries.
We believe a strong library system is vital to a growing, healthy community. We use and support the Monroe County Library System and its recently renovated Ellis Library & Reference Center.
We contribute our time, creativity and enthusiasm to enhancing the facility’s daily operations and regular and special programming like its Writers on the River book and author fair, Summer Reading Program and Monroe County’s Black History Month Blues Series.
Meeting Date & Time
Friends of Ellis meet at 6:30 pm on the second Monday of each month from September through May, with summer meetings as events warrant.
Thanks to our ongoing book sale room, profits from vending machines and other fundraisers, we are able to operate without mandatory membership dues. We’ve made this easier for our fellow library patrons and supporters to join us without financial obligation.