Friends of the Dundee Branch Library

Meeting Date & Time
Meetings are held quarterly and are typically at 7:00 p.m. on a Wednesday evening. Please call the Dundee Branch Library for the next meeting date.
Membership Information
Anyone is welcome to become a member of the Friends of the Dundee Branch Library. Membership dues are as follows:
- Students (18 and younger): $2.00
- Seniors (65 and older): $2.00
- Individuals: $5.00
- Families: $10.00
Officers can be contacted at 144 East Main Street Dundee, MI 48131-1202
- President: Wade Jennings
- Secretary: Dan Klimek
- Treasurer: Sue Klimek
Community Book Sale
The Dundee Friends of the Library have a small on-going used book sale in the branch throughout the year. The annual book sale is typically held in the fall. Please call the library to inquire about the date for this year. The Dundee Friends of the Library also accepts book donations. Books should be in good condition. The Friends do not accept donations of text books, magazines, or damaged items.